Weight Loss
Weight Loss
In a cryotherapy session, the body is subjected to extremely low temperatures, with the skin surface temperature dropping well below 0°C. To maintain the body’s core temperature, blood flow significantly increases, leading to a calorie burn of 600 – 800 calories in approximately 3 minutes. This calorie burn continues even after the session ends, as the body actively returns to its normal temperature.
During cryotherapy, chemical compounds like adrenaline, serotonin, and endorphins are released, promoting increased metabolism and overall energy levels. When combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise, cryotherapy can significantly enhance metabolism and aid in weight loss. To put it into perspective, each 3-minute session is approximately equivalent to a 30-minute intense workout.
Notable Benefits
- Boosts metabolism.
- Detoxifies the body.
- Burns between 600 – 800 calories per 3-minute session.
- Aids in fat loss.
- Enhances muscle toning, leading to passive weight loss
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